Sharing your Watercolors

(c) jlowatercolor.2018

Ready to Share your Watercolors with the World?
At this point, you have some paintings under your belt and are excited to share your work with others. Maybe you feel a little nervous or unsure if your paintings are “good enough”? Let me assure you right now- they are! It is time to take another step in your watercolor journey; here we will explore a few platforms that can help you to share your work.

photo credit: shutterstock

Popular Art Sharing Platforms

Facebook- Many people nowadays have a Facebook account where they keep in touch with family and friends. This can be a great place to share your art in a couple different ways. The first being with family and friends through regular posts. The second being to watercolor groups that you join. I recommend World Watercolor Group. This is a worldwide community in which people share watercolors they have created- along with tutorials and tips they find helpful. Often, fellow artists (of all different levels), will offer supportive comments and advice on posts.

Instagram- This platform is more visually based, and is great option for opening up your work to a wider audience with tags. Example #watercolor. People will have the option to follow you and make comments. Some artists choose to list information about buying paintings on their Instagram accounts, either through direct messaging or by providing a link to their personal website or Etsy account. 

Etsy- I will start by letting you know that I am only in the beginning stages of using etsy. Some of my friends sell their art this way and seem satisfied with the process. The platform is set-up in a manner to make uploading/selling/shipping products easy for both the buyer and seller. I will be updating this portion as I gain more hands-on experience with the platform.

(c) jlowatercolor.2018

This is only a small sampling of art sharing platforms online. Take some time to check out your favorite artists and see what platforms they use. You would be surprised at how many options are avaiable to you!

Till Next Time…
Dear watercolor friends, part one of this journey is complete! I hope you will continue to explore and play with this beautiful medium. Please comment with any questions or tips you have found helpful. And from my heart to yours- keep creating, let go of perfection, and free yourself to be the artist that you are!


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