What to Paint with Watercolors?

(c) jlowatercolor.2017

Maybe you are thinking… can we get painting already?! Ha, or maybe I’m just excited. If you are following along, last week we discussed basic starter supplies and options for materials. There are a few more things you will need. Most of these items you may have around the house already:
·         Large glass jar (or cup) for water
·         Paper towels (for spills and “lifting” paint from the paper)
·         Masking tape
·         Large piece of cardboard or other surface bigger than your paper
There are different opinions on how to properly set-up your watercolor paper to paint. I tend to just tape down all four sides of the paper and get to drawing and painting. However, it is true that sometimes the paper will warp a bit. It does not bother me, but if you would like to see one way to professionally “stretch” your watercolor paper, check out this short video by Crystal Beshara: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyTxuzCdXAU

Suggestions for Good Starter Subjects
Just getting used to how the paint flows and absorbs onto the paper is very important- but why not make something awesome while you’re at it? The first watercolor painting that I ever tried doing was a small galaxy scene. These types of paintings are super fun and not stressful because there is no specific technique you have to follow. I was inspired by this video from Tillith:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOe5DAnFkI4
(c) jlowatercolor.2015

Another good starter subject is clouds. Similar to galaxies, clouds are abstract and you really get a chance to play around with the paint. Cloudscapes also give you the opportunity try “lifting”. Lifting is when you blot up some of the paint from your paper using a paper towel (or cloth or tissue). This technique is a fun an easy way to create a beautiful sky. Here is a video by Maria Raczynska that demonstrates clouds and lifting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpNTTYmcS_4

(c) jlowatercolor.2017

So watercolor friends, time to get painting! And remember- there is no right or wrong when it comes to your artwork. Jump in, give it a try, let the paint be what it will be :)
I would love to hear any comments or questions you have, please post below! 
If you would like to get a jump-start on next week’s topic, check out this video by Jay Lee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4Opm8LMAk8


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